Today I received my BH Cosmetics order! I didnt even think they would send to Germany! I thought it was only available in the States and I was drooling everytime I was seeing Gurus on YT using these amazing colors! Maan it's like colors Xmas here! I ordered the 120 colors Palettes 2nd and 3rd edition and man! they are fantastic! is the site I ordered from
It's better than when I was little and I had those water color palettes to use at Drawing and Paining Class in elementary school! I can't wait to paint my eyes with them! I would paint my entire face and some walls too! ha ha. I love colors! I am like a kid in a candy store! Oh and yesterday I managed to record a new makeup tutorial!! Took me 2 days cuz my cam got out of battery in the middle of filming and I couldn't find the charger... but I made it! lol. Now I am curious how long it will take me to actually edit it and upload it! But man, its HD! ha ha People will be able to see ALL of my flaws! SCARY! Well untill then I should be uploading the other 3 older videos that I have on my computer but I have to do voice over for those so will take me even longer. Oh how I wish the day would have 48 hours just for me! If I don't have time to do anything now, I wonder what the heck will I be doing after the baby will be here! Maaan! I need a secretary to organize me!
fun, happiness, thoughts about life, beauty ideas and advice, fashion, crafts and DIY ideas... and more!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
so effing annoyiing!!!
so I have been trying to upload videos on You Tube for quite a while... I did 3 and then I took a long break because I had no more time, then I decided I HAD to do more because apparently people like them and I loved making them, even if I feel I look so weird and funny in them. But I have been trying! And guess what? I absolutely have NO TIME to do the voice over thing and on top of that my cam's mic was crap, so I needed a new mic. I got a new mic but as I cant get time too, I decided I need a better cam with a mic and a zoom that I can do videos with, that I don't have to edit then. So I found this Cannon DC 40 that I might throw against the walls now, that is all good and frinedly untill I wanna upload the videos done, in my computer! It just will. not. do. it! I cannot find them using the usb cord, as it won't show the cam's dvd as device, I cannot do it using the MYRoxio cd that came with is, with the cam software, because it says that is not supported by my system (damn system, to new for this crap!) and I just cannot find any way to upload the video I just recorded! Let alone the million other tries that i don't even remember why they didn't work! It's like someone up there doesnt want me to do anymore YouTube videos! But I want to! What the heck is to be done?? I honestly would rather write in my blog and not show my face too much out there but noone reads this blog and if noone reads it is little incentive for me to write it! I am soooo so so annoyed :(((
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Good deal!
So I went shopping today and I was drooling around the Chanel Eau Fraiche perfrume, which is my absolute favorite (I even seem to still like it now that I'm preggo and can't stand ANY of the perfumes I used to like) but it is so damn expensive 57 euros the little 50 ml bottle and I kind of wasnt really without perfume, plus, I had other things on my list. But I saw this!
It's the *Parfum Cheveux*(*Hair Mist*) and it's only 35 euros! And it smells just the same and in my oppinion is even better cuz I can spray it on my hair without thinking that I will damage it, and having perfume on long hair is actually better cuz you just move a bit and it smells! So yay, I saved 22 euros and got my fav perfume!
Got some other goodies too, I shall see if anything is worth mentioned. I actually had to write this down in case I ever forget about this trick, to check on here and remember! haha!
It's the *Parfum Cheveux*(*Hair Mist*) and it's only 35 euros! And it smells just the same and in my oppinion is even better cuz I can spray it on my hair without thinking that I will damage it, and having perfume on long hair is actually better cuz you just move a bit and it smells! So yay, I saved 22 euros and got my fav perfume!
Got some other goodies too, I shall see if anything is worth mentioned. I actually had to write this down in case I ever forget about this trick, to check on here and remember! haha!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Arrrghh the previous post
was meant to be on the MY BABY page!! Cant we publish more posts on a page? Only one and that's it? Everything we post goes to the main page!? Thats not good :(( Or I am stupid and didnt figure out how to post a new post in a page!
This baby in the pic below...
Is way too skinny!! I don't like how it looks! I saw mine on Ultrasound and was really way better looking! Had quite a big healthy tummy! :))
I love these quotes! I'll keep posting every time I find a good one!
"Never explain yourself. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it." -Belgicia Howell
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Swedish meatballs
Damn the swedish meatballs from Ikea... never ever again! My stomack got so mad at me for eating those! :(
Monday, January 10, 2011
So true of a quote!
*Seek not to find who you are, but to determine who you want to be. Stop looking for a purpose as to why you are here. Create it. Life is not a process of discovery but a process of creation.*
Monday, January 3, 2011
Here I wanted to cite one of my favorite bloggers, Diana (
She sais:
"When the sensational mama Jo spoke during our Striptease class about how confidence is everything. She was so right, and so eloquent when she said (in my own words):
Those women that walk around, head up high, with airs of grandeur and behave as if they were the prettiest, most desirable thing to exist..We love to hate them, and we might complain and moan to other women.."look at that girl..the way she dresses, the way she talks, flaunts, struts.."
And then she posts a pic of a woman that is far from being beautiful by standards, but if you look at her you can see it's all in her attitude, with the mention : Isnt she fabulous? Heck, I think she is!
I strongly started to believe that it's all about attitude and the way you see yourself. The way you see yourself will trigger the way the others will. If you see yourself as fabulous, the others will see the same, even if you are far from being considered beautiful by standards. The standards are anyways changing with the times!
I remember when I was younger, I had this gf that was sooooo far from the set beauty standards. But this girl was amazing! She was so nice and so sweet and living like a movie star, she was always wearing the most trendy clothes (even if she would have to eat only pretzels for the whole week to buy those clothes), she had the best makeup and manicure, because she knew how to do all that (while the rest of us only could use eyeliner and lipstick and we werent even doing it right)and it was all in her behavior, actually. She always had a good word to say to everyone, to make a compliment that was TRUE, she never sounded like she was fake, cuz she was actually paying attention and could find a nice thing about anyone. She was always smiling and fun, and full of energy (now, I dunno how she did that, I am most of the time sleepy no matter how hard I try! But I love energetic people). I don't even have to mention that she was the center of men's attention, even if she was going everywhere with me (5feet 9 tall, skinny and with the highschool nickname *covergirl*). All the guys that were at first trying to get with me, were blown away in a few minutes after talking to her, even if they might not even had noticed her to start with! I was But as she was my dear friend I wouldnt mind all that much, all I wanted to know was what I was doing wrong! Wasnt my skirt short enough? (She wasn't even wearing short skirts!) Wasn't my hair long and shiny enough? Wasn't I smiling enough? Heck, everything seemed in perfect order to me and the guys DID whistle and all that!! I don't think I understood at that time, but after a few years I started to get it. It was her ATTITUDE! I had quite a modest attitude and I wasn't very confident, I always was thinking that my face doesnt look good when I smile, my legs are too skinny, my boobs are too small and so on and so on, I didnt even like my own voice! And with a luggage of so many complexes, of course I couldn't keep a guy's attention for too long! Because there was her, smiling like a super star, looking him straight in the eyes and making him believe he was the sun and the moon for her! When they were complimenting her she was practically shining, while I was like... oh well, *Im not all this or all that*... so I was pointing to my bad parts and showing that I wasnt so hot after all, while she was just becoming hotter like the compliments would have fed her!
So heck, yeah, flaunt what you have, be confident, it will shine through! Take care of yourself, LOVE yourself, and you will be able then to give more love to everyone else! And that will make you shine! That is the inside beauty that they are talking about, being able to LOVE! But you cannot do that if you don't love YOURSELF to start with!
It's not about grabbing men's attention, they don't matter all that much. Confidence ATTRACTS people in general!
Now, I love to take care of myself (my mom was always saying *taking care of yourself, to start with, is the nicest thing in the world), put on makeup every morning, dress in a way to make myself feel good first of all, wear the things I like just for ME! If I see myself looking bad, with dark undereye circles and messy hair, I instantly become depressed! So I always make sure I like how I look first of all, I smile at myself in the mirror and promise myself that it's gonna be a GOOD day, and I swear it helps even when I am sad or depressed or not feeling so good!
Enough rambling here, I hope I was clear enough so now move your pretty butts and pamper yourself, and BELIEVE in yourself, you ARE beautiful if you WANNA be!
She sais:
"When the sensational mama Jo spoke during our Striptease class about how confidence is everything. She was so right, and so eloquent when she said (in my own words):
Those women that walk around, head up high, with airs of grandeur and behave as if they were the prettiest, most desirable thing to exist..We love to hate them, and we might complain and moan to other women.."look at that girl..the way she dresses, the way she talks, flaunts, struts.."
And then she posts a pic of a woman that is far from being beautiful by standards, but if you look at her you can see it's all in her attitude, with the mention : Isnt she fabulous? Heck, I think she is!
I strongly started to believe that it's all about attitude and the way you see yourself. The way you see yourself will trigger the way the others will. If you see yourself as fabulous, the others will see the same, even if you are far from being considered beautiful by standards. The standards are anyways changing with the times!
I remember when I was younger, I had this gf that was sooooo far from the set beauty standards. But this girl was amazing! She was so nice and so sweet and living like a movie star, she was always wearing the most trendy clothes (even if she would have to eat only pretzels for the whole week to buy those clothes), she had the best makeup and manicure, because she knew how to do all that (while the rest of us only could use eyeliner and lipstick and we werent even doing it right)and it was all in her behavior, actually. She always had a good word to say to everyone, to make a compliment that was TRUE, she never sounded like she was fake, cuz she was actually paying attention and could find a nice thing about anyone. She was always smiling and fun, and full of energy (now, I dunno how she did that, I am most of the time sleepy no matter how hard I try! But I love energetic people). I don't even have to mention that she was the center of men's attention, even if she was going everywhere with me (5feet 9 tall, skinny and with the highschool nickname *covergirl*). All the guys that were at first trying to get with me, were blown away in a few minutes after talking to her, even if they might not even had noticed her to start with! I was But as she was my dear friend I wouldnt mind all that much, all I wanted to know was what I was doing wrong! Wasnt my skirt short enough? (She wasn't even wearing short skirts!) Wasn't my hair long and shiny enough? Wasn't I smiling enough? Heck, everything seemed in perfect order to me and the guys DID whistle and all that!! I don't think I understood at that time, but after a few years I started to get it. It was her ATTITUDE! I had quite a modest attitude and I wasn't very confident, I always was thinking that my face doesnt look good when I smile, my legs are too skinny, my boobs are too small and so on and so on, I didnt even like my own voice! And with a luggage of so many complexes, of course I couldn't keep a guy's attention for too long! Because there was her, smiling like a super star, looking him straight in the eyes and making him believe he was the sun and the moon for her! When they were complimenting her she was practically shining, while I was like... oh well, *Im not all this or all that*... so I was pointing to my bad parts and showing that I wasnt so hot after all, while she was just becoming hotter like the compliments would have fed her!
So heck, yeah, flaunt what you have, be confident, it will shine through! Take care of yourself, LOVE yourself, and you will be able then to give more love to everyone else! And that will make you shine! That is the inside beauty that they are talking about, being able to LOVE! But you cannot do that if you don't love YOURSELF to start with!
It's not about grabbing men's attention, they don't matter all that much. Confidence ATTRACTS people in general!
Now, I love to take care of myself (my mom was always saying *taking care of yourself, to start with, is the nicest thing in the world), put on makeup every morning, dress in a way to make myself feel good first of all, wear the things I like just for ME! If I see myself looking bad, with dark undereye circles and messy hair, I instantly become depressed! So I always make sure I like how I look first of all, I smile at myself in the mirror and promise myself that it's gonna be a GOOD day, and I swear it helps even when I am sad or depressed or not feeling so good!
Enough rambling here, I hope I was clear enough so now move your pretty butts and pamper yourself, and BELIEVE in yourself, you ARE beautiful if you WANNA be!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
New Years Resolutions
Alllright first of all Im wishing everyone a Happy and Fabulous 2011 (even if noone reads this, I still wish it, feels good to do it!).
Second of all... here come the Resolutions:
I am not gonna ramble about all the things everyone HAS to do.. I have things that I HAVE to do too, that have been waiting forever because I didnt FEEL like doing them so I kept finding excuses like... no time, no mood, no this, no that.. to hell with those, if they waited so long they can still wait probably..
The only resolution that is WORTH workin my butt off for, is this one:
I am known for being a complete workahoolic, I set myself goals and if I don't achieve them I become crazy, I work way too much, I put the things that I like aside, I put my friends aside at times, even my hubby!
I won't be getting into details but I think that WAS (and I say WAS hoping I am right...) was a problem of confidence, of self esteem, whatever that was, I think I was feeling worthy only when achieving things, making more money, to show people that I am good! BUT! Since the miracle happened and I managed to get rid of the fear, and got pregnant... now I feel I am WORTH it, even without doing much else! Oh of course that my Aries nature makes me still wanna fight and be better than most people I know, at everything... but I feel I can FINALLY relax and just be happy with who I am, not only with what I do! So heck yeah, its time to do what I like, time to do things that make ME feel good in a non-massochistic way! lol
So, this blog being one of them, I will start writting in it, even if I will have to do it while working! Taking 5 mins off at a time and typing something here or even neglecting my work for it! To hell with the work! I need money more than ever now, that I have the baby on the way, but I feel that money will not make me happy anyways and after all, if you are smart, you can do many things with less money too. After all, I grew up in a communist country! haha! I should have the skills for living with little means!
This being said, I shall post this and then start gathering ideas! Actually I have TOO many ideas, all I need is to put them in some order!
Let's rock!
Second of all... here come the Resolutions:
I am not gonna ramble about all the things everyone HAS to do.. I have things that I HAVE to do too, that have been waiting forever because I didnt FEEL like doing them so I kept finding excuses like... no time, no mood, no this, no that.. to hell with those, if they waited so long they can still wait probably..
The only resolution that is WORTH workin my butt off for, is this one:
I am known for being a complete workahoolic, I set myself goals and if I don't achieve them I become crazy, I work way too much, I put the things that I like aside, I put my friends aside at times, even my hubby!
I won't be getting into details but I think that WAS (and I say WAS hoping I am right...) was a problem of confidence, of self esteem, whatever that was, I think I was feeling worthy only when achieving things, making more money, to show people that I am good! BUT! Since the miracle happened and I managed to get rid of the fear, and got pregnant... now I feel I am WORTH it, even without doing much else! Oh of course that my Aries nature makes me still wanna fight and be better than most people I know, at everything... but I feel I can FINALLY relax and just be happy with who I am, not only with what I do! So heck yeah, its time to do what I like, time to do things that make ME feel good in a non-massochistic way! lol
So, this blog being one of them, I will start writting in it, even if I will have to do it while working! Taking 5 mins off at a time and typing something here or even neglecting my work for it! To hell with the work! I need money more than ever now, that I have the baby on the way, but I feel that money will not make me happy anyways and after all, if you are smart, you can do many things with less money too. After all, I grew up in a communist country! haha! I should have the skills for living with little means!
This being said, I shall post this and then start gathering ideas! Actually I have TOO many ideas, all I need is to put them in some order!
Let's rock!
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