Sunday, January 22, 2012

Great find in HM

Okay I am late with this post again, but hopefully it still can help someone. I wanted to let you guys know that if you go to H&M these days you may have the luck to find some more of these (of course, if fake fur is your thing). I love real fur, too, to be honest, but deep inside I don't feel comfortable with both the thoughts that I am wearing a part of an animal corpse OR the high price that I have to pay for it! None of these thoughts make me feel good! Okay, I might be okay with buying a vintage fake fur coat because it already was bought and worn by someone else, is not new anymore so if I buy it they can't really say that I am encouraging the industry...or can they? Anyways, I am very happy with this little fake fur coat that I got in H&M for HALF of its price! It used to be 59.95 euros and I got it for 29.95!! Yay! And it feels so nice when you touch it, does not have that plastic hair feel that some of the fake fur has, like doll hair. Nope, this one feels like real goat hair, if you know how that feels. Here it is! Sorry bout the pic of me wearing it, that was the only mirror I could use at that very moment and my photographer was on... holiday!

Keep smiling, be happy!


Friday, January 13, 2012

True things

I was just reading something and I thought this paragraph was worth sharing:

"Coming to terms with who you are is the first step in obtaining happiness in life. The sooner you realize that happiness is something that you decide internally, and not something that you get from people or posessions; the sooner you will be able to create your own destiny."

So true!! I wishhhshhh the people in my life would GET THAT! But they don't :( Oh well, at least I do! :D


EDIT: Oh I found another one:

"one's own worth is purely a matter of perspective"

How true!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Evening skincare routine

I found this pic in my camera that I had forgotten I took! lol. After midnight, on the New Year's Day, I was trying to put Mathias (my 7 months old son) to sleep in his bed, but he was so excited bout the fireworks that there was no way for him to sit still and he was crying when I would try to give attention to other things than his jumpy self, so I had to bring all my skincare products from the bathroom to the bedroom and take my makeup off while *talking* to him! And looking at the bunch of bottles and jars I thought it was worthy to take a pic and share it, lol. Looks like so many, but I swear I need each of them!

Let's see what they are:

- La Roche Posay "Toleriane" face and eye makeup remover for sensitive skin and eyes - fab product, it takes off even heavy black makeup (yes, at times I feel EMO)
- Garnier Bio-Activ hydrating cleansing milk
- Garnier Bio-Activ hydrating cleansing water (yes I use both because I find that the cream one is a bit too greasy for my skin, but the watery one doesn't clean as good, so I use the cream one first and then the water one, together they are awesome for my skin, which is combination an dprone to blackheads and pimples)
- Garnier Bio-Activ hydrating Toner. I love these products, I might write a review on them when I get the time (ask Mathias to allow me to, if They are Aloe Vera based.
- Lancome Genifique face serum (Holy Graal to me...or whatever is that spelled, I dont have time to check the spelling now but you get the idea). Nothing more to say about this.
- La Roche Posay Redermic Eye cream - great!
- Kelyane HD lip balm (I cannot live without lip balms)
- A little sample of anti-wrinkle cream from the pharmacy that I use for my neck called Olifting - I don't use anti-wrinkle cream for my face as my skin tends to get too greasy if I do, but for my neck is fine
- Vichy Essentials Facial Emulsion (Rose Plyphenols) Paraben Free - is good and I love the smell! I apply it on top of the Genifique serum for a bit more moisture because in winter, because of the dry heat inside, my face tends to get dehydrated
- Antibiotic cream for a little stubborn blemish on my face
- Nose spray... dunno what was it doing there, is not in my routine!!!
- and, of course, cotton pads.
Whew!! Took longer to write these all than it takes me to use them!!

I would have thought I never would go to sleep withou using all these! Guess what? Last nite all I could use were my son's wet baby wipes!! And I thought I needed 48 hours in a day before having the baby! Now I think back and say "OMG how much free time I had back then!!


Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Okay so I've been wanting since 2 days ago to make a blog post about my New Year's Resolutions, and I was thinking long and hard about what to pick... lol. Because I wanna do so many things that would be really funny to make such a long list, when knowing very well that I will never really get to do all that! So finally I picked a few goals, like working out more, learning German language really well, to be able to actually write a blog or make videos in it, for example... But what to do with the many others? I was thinking "well, as little time as I will have, with the baby and the work and all, it's 100% sure I will probably end the year just as frustrated as the other one, without getting to do even 20% of all I want to! Then I happened to read this blog post, and I felt relieved, haha. This girl is really smart and I appreciate her alot, some of the things she is talking about I had already learned myself, too, the hard way, so reading about all this made me feel way better about my goal-reaching process!

Good luck to everyone with their New year's Resolutions and Happy New Year!
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