Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pregnant outfit of the day (24 weeks)

Oh my, 3 posts in one day, there must be something happening to me! I think it's the spring time and the beautiful sunny weather! I went out for a walk and finally have been able to wear something else than winter jackets, that I am so sick of!! I culd have dressed even lighter but it takes a while for me to understand it is actually WARM and no need for lots of clothes anymore. I was hot in these!
Pink shirt and Infinity red scarf from Zara
Multicolored sweater that I LOVE, and multicolored ethnic pattern shoulder bag, from artesanal little no-name shop (love buying unique things from little manufactures)
Jeggings from C&A
Wedges that look like Converse sneakers, from Fishbone (at New Yorker)

And look what I see all around the place I live. I love them, I grew up in a place where all there was to be seen was concrete and dust and cars... compared to that, here is like Paradise!

Kisses and spring flowers,


  1. You look dashing in that outfit; love it. =o)

    "I culd have dressed even lighter but it takes a while for me to understand it is actually WARM and no need for lots of clothes anymore. I was hot in them!"

    Haha, I am the same way when the weather slowly changes. =o)

  2. aww thank you for your comment honey! It's the first I ever got for my blog! WOW so people DO read it! now that's what I call Encouragement!!! Kisses!!

  3. Yeah, people do read. =o) I wouldn't be surprsied that there is already a few people who are following you "privately." =o)

  4. haha maybe, yeah! Well as long as they read, is a good thing! :)


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