Saturday, April 30, 2011

Old wives' myths about the gender of your baby - BUSTED! Is it a boy or a girl?

Soooo, I wanted to write a post to let people know that the old wives' tales about the gender of your baby are NOT true!! They might match for some, but there is anyways a 50-50% chance of matching, so if they do, is pure coincidence!!

I am 30 weeks pregnant now, and untill yesterday I wasn't sure about the gender of my baby, which is annoying, these days, when people know for sure as soon as 16 weeks or so! At the first ultrasound at 3 months, we've been told it looked like a boy. But that it could be the umbilical cord that the baby was riding, yadda yadda... so nothing sure. Okay, we waited till 5 months, and we've been told its a girl! The doc was so sure, she even wrote the *female* sign on my *mutterpass*, and said its 98% a girl (no doc will say 100% on a 5 months ultrasound, I guess). We went shopping for girl clothes, obviously ... 

But the grandparents were asking for pics cuz they heared about the 3D and 4D ultrasounds... lol (I meantion that so far we've only been to 2D, which is the only scan that's relevant for the health of the baby, the 3D and 4D is said to be only for commercial purposes... we found that out by research). So at 6 months we went for a 3D/4D to get pics and videos for the grandparents! Surprise here! Doc said it sure looks more like a boy than a girl, but nothing was sure because, as he explained us, the sexual organs of the babies in the womb are very similar for a while, untill the testicles become visible (in case it's a boy) . So again.. we didn't know anymore! Man, so frustrating!! No more pink clothes shopping for a while! And yesterday we went again to the checkup, where the doc did a 2D again and this time it was VERY clear. BOY! :)))
So yeah, after the rambling, here are the myths that I wanted to bust, as all this time I've been making Quiz's on the net to guess the sex of the baby! lol

1. The fact that the belly is high or low has nothing to do with the sex of the baby. Mine is exactly in the middle!

2. What they say about body hair during pregnancy is not true either, because they say that when you are gonna have a boy your body hair will grow stronger and darker. Well, mine almost disappeared, instead!

3. Acne is not a sign either, they were saying that if you get mild acne it's a boy... in some places where saying that if you get bad acne is a boy. None was true for me, I went from bad skin and breakouts (before pregnancy) to great skin with no acne at all, and almost no black heads either! Go figure!

4. The heartbeat is no sign either. My baby's heartbeat is over 140 beats/minute and they say that in this case it should be a girl. Well, myth busted! The baby is just very active so the heart is sure faster!

5. They say your nose will spread if you have a boy. Hell, no way! My nose is fine, thank you! 

6. They say you look way better when pregnant if you are haveving a boy, because girls steal mothers' looks. Well I think I look the same, except for the acne that is gone, thank God. No significant changes, maybe my face is a bit rounder, but that's normal cuz I sure gained some weight! And as the blood volume in the body during pregnancy is 50% higher, is normal that your face looks a bit more *awake*

7. Morning sickness. They say that if you experience nausea during the whole day, not only in the morning, means you are having a girl, and if you feel nauseous only in the morning, it's a boy. Well I was nauseous all the time, mostly in the evening actually!

8. They say that when it's a girl, the daddy looses weight, and when it's a boy, dad gains weight! False! Hubby lost weight! But here I am not sure if to count this, as he was all the time convinced we were having a girl! And he wanted a girl! lol

9. Cravings: they say that if you are craving sweets and fruits, it's a girl, and if you are craving salty and sour foods, it's a boy. Well, all my life I've been crazy about salty and sour things, I never really cared too much for sweets or fruits! Guess what? At about 2 months pregnant I was eating a ton of mandarine oranges, at least 5-6 a day!! I didn't have to many cravings actually, because I've been taking the Prenatal vitamins all the time, so I guess that my body had all it needed, but the oranges I did crave, and lately I've been eating apples like a nut (and I never really liked apples!) and icecream! Another myth busted! I've been eating salty things and pickles too but not more than I normally did anyways!

10. Well, there could be some more signs that I forgot about, but I might come back to this post and add them as I remember them. BUT! MOST IMPORTANT!!


So, that's it, myths BUSTED! Do not trust the old wives' tales.


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