Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quote of the day

"Hapiness is a matter of approach". No idea who said that but it sure is true!

Sorry for being M.I.A. lately, but my baby is teething, my hubby is completely wrecked (keeps saying "I am not able to do this, I can't take care of a baby, I was not made for this" even if he only does it for at the most 2-3 hours a day...DOOOH!), my job is killing my brains, so I couldn't find time for myself anymore (blogging is definitely part of the "time for myself"). Buuuut I am gonna do it, I MUST do it! hehe
Oh, and, an advice for all girls: never rely on a man for the harder things in life, always have a plan B. They may want to help, they may do help for a while, but most likely they will let you down when you most need them and when you left the guard down and started to think they are actually able to cope! LOL NO offense to the guys, but they do have limits :-p Of course, there are always the exceptions to the rule, that actually confirm the rule :-p
Another quote of the day: "the woman that doesn't expect anything from a man will never be disappointed". No, I am not femminist, I like being a lady, but I am just realistic :)

Keep smiling!


  1. Couldn't agree more. You are a very strong woman and I admire you for it. Well done and may you have the strenght to carry on.

  2. Thank you so much for the comment and for the encouragement! Kisses! oxox


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