Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Obtain the Perfect Fake Tan - Detailed Secrets

Soo, a few weeks ago, I finally got my hands on this baby:

I have been wondering, wanting and eventually craving for it for a loong time, because of the raving all over YT about it. I thought I could not get it in Germany, because from their website you can't order internationally (or anyways, last time I checked was not available to Germany) but I found it on Amazon!! It costs 39 euros, definitely not a cheapie, but it's sooo worth it! I always had troubles with getting (and staying) tanned, even if it was about real sun, tanning bed, or fake tan! I am a pinkish shade of white, lol, that I really don't find all that attractive (but to each on their own..) and I always wanted to be darker, let alone the fact that one ALWAYS looks slimmer when tanned! I tried tenths of fake tan products, I think I even have a blog post about the L'Oreal ones, which are good, allright, but don't even come close to THIS! The color is amaaaazing, just like seaside tan, nothing orangey or yellowish in it!!
It is a lightweight mousse, colored, which is great if you ask me, because you precisely can see where you did not apply it, so there is zero risk of getting white spots on your body, like it always happened to me with the colorless products. It dries sooo quickly, they say you can even get dressed after one minute, but I rather wait 10 or so, at least, just to make sure. They recommend that in the first 4 hours you don't get wet or sweaty, that is because if you get wet in that time, it does come off and you get yourself a white spot on the place where the water or the sweat was... That is a bit annoying but, oh well, small price to pay for the final result. Besides, you can always apply it again ONLY on that spot, and it will look completely blended. One of the great things about it is this one too, that no matter now much you apply on a spot, or how stripey it looks after application, at the end it will all look the same all over! (that means after you take a shower).
I tend to have very dry skin, and the tap water in Germany does not help with that at all, so my body gets dry areas and less dry areas, which is so bad for a person that wants to wear fake tan, because the fake tan (which is moisture, like any lotion or cream or whatever) will always get absorbed more in the dry areas and less in the less dry ones. So I try my very best to dry brush all my body and then moisturise all my skin every single day (when I don't manage to, it can get to look a bit like a disaster but I will tell you how I fix that right away). So, I dry brush all my body (that is great for the prevention and elimination of cellulite, too!) every morning, and then apply plenty of body lotion all over. I tan every 3 or 4 days, but during this time I try my best not to let my skin get too dry, because if it does, there will be patches of tan all over me:( I know that might not happen to everyone but to me it does. Also, I try not to wear really tight clothes from fabrics that kind of scratch (like jeans, for example) or bras with very tight straps, cuz those are going to rub against my skin and remove the tan!
OKay, so when I apply the tan, I take a shower, using a very moisturizing body wash and a sponge, then I dry my skin with a towel but I don't apply anymore moisturizer, I just put the Saint Tropez all over me, including my face (which is blackhead/acne prone, but never had a problem with this product! yay!) and as soon as I get to a dryer area (feet, knees, elbows, whatever other dry areas might be) I take a paper towel and dab the area so that there is not too much products absorbed. For me, this method works better than applying lotion on those areas prior to tanning.
And that's about it! While I wait for it to dry, I carefully wash my hands, which, unfortunately, do get stained (there is a tan remover too, but I didn;t receive it yet :(). I found out that washing them like 4-5 times in a row does help. Yeah I know thatsounds annoying but is better than looking like you tried to eat a bunch of green chestnuts! (they stain brown, for who doesnt know). I am being careful not to throw water on me and not to wash the color off my wrists, or it would look like Im wearing white gloves! If it does get washed I apply more product only on wrists when donewith the hands.
I thought the mitt they recommend would be so you don't get your hands dirty but its actually *to remove the excess product*... and I see no use for that. You can't apply it with the mitt.
Okay so, I was talkin above about the times when I get to look like having had a fight in the mud... when I forget to apply lotion daily.... haha. Well, not quite, it just looks like I havent showered for about 2 months :))) Gross! It does that only in certain areas where the skin gets very dry, tho, and rubs against clothes. For me its on my ribs and at times on the back of my calves. So, while in the shower, I use a mix of honey and brown sugar as a body scrub and scrub all those areas well. It does work wonders! But if I forget to bring that from the kitchen and Im already in the shower, lol, rubbing the skin well, right after shower while its still wet and warm, with a dry towel, can work just as good. Then, when I am an even color all over, I reapply the tan (this annoying thing usually happens when I apply it after 4 or 5 days. At 3 days is all fine.)
One more thing to add: it's really recommended that after those 4 hours you take a shower (I personally recommend waiting a bit more than that, tho) some of the color will come off but what will be left will still look amazing and it won't come off on anything after that. And the smell will go away, too. No bad smell, just fake tan smel,l that I personally don't like.
So, I know its a long post, but I wish someone would have told me all this so I don't get so many tan disasters! LOL
Love yourself!!

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