Monday, April 29, 2013

How to stop craving for food and how to eat less, when trying to loose wight


I was not expecting this! I thought I had more time! I mean really, 30 C degrees in April? Swimsuit/shorts time already? That can't be happening!!!!! I didn't plan on getting rid of the winter weight so fast!!

But, as it IS happening, and as I had a major meltdown the other day looking at all the amazing jean shorts in the New Yorker store, and because I went massochistic enough to try on a pair and that made me start crying .... I have to start loosing weight. I gave myself one month to loose 5 kilos. And only THEN I will reward myself with one/two/three new pairs of shorts. Because let's face it, they are trendy, they are fun, they are the easiest way of dressing in the summer, you can wear them with anything and most of all, they are ME. 100% me. I am not even mentioning the swimsuits, I don't even wanna think about those YET!

So. If you are looking to loose some weight this spring, and to do it fast, you can do it with me! Please share the things that work for you, as well! What I've noticed so far, is that for me, these basic rules work best:

1. DO NOT eat after 8 PM! Under ANY circumstance! 7 is better, but I usually can't bare an empty stomach for so long, till breakfast...

2. Drink WATER! Plenty of it! 

3. DO NOT eat BREAD. At all would be best, but if you can't do that, at least put it in the toaster first, and make sure you cut it THIN!

4. Here come the common sense rules... do not eat anything that looks greasy! do not eat too many potatoes, too many bananas, and of course, no white sugar! And of course, no sodas. NO SODAS I said, not even DIET ones!!! 

Now I will give you 10 tips on how to "scare off" your appetite for food!

1. Before sitting at the table (yes, you have to actually SIT at the table, eating in a hurry will always get you fat! And ill, eventually!), drink a glass of mineral water or tomatoe juice. It will reduce your food intake by 1/3!!

2. Put your food in a smaller BLUE plate. The portion will seem bigger and the shrinks say that the color blue's soothing properties will reduce your appetite. 

3. Don't use too many condiments, because they can increase your hunger! (Here is a contradiction for me, because they also say that spicy food can help your metabolism burn fat faster, so I am not sure what is best...) The common sense solution: if you can't stop by any means eating alot, at least make it spicy! ha ha!

4. Eat slow, chew without rushing, and get up from the table before you feel full. The mechanism that creates the fullness sensation needs 20 minutes to become active! 

5. Don't keep hypercaloric foods in your refrigerator! I know, you will say "but I have to keep some cookies in there, in case some guests come up, but I will put them in the most hidden spot, behind a sour cucumber pot!" Nope, that won't work like that. You will end up devouring them without even breathing, one evening..

6. Go shopping ONLY after you have eaten and you feel full. That will stop you from filling your basket till it spills with all kinds of junk. Weird enough, but this works for any kind of shopping, not only food!

7. Never eat in front of the TV or while playing sudokku!

8. If you get hungry before going to bed, brush your teeth instead, and use some mouthwash as well. The mint flavor, as well as the idea that "teeth have to be washed AFTER dinner", will make your brain forget about the wish to eat (for a while, so you better fall asleep fast!)

9. This receipe can also be helpful to minimize your appetite: boil half a kilo of prunes or figs (or both) in 3 liters of water untill the liquid evaporates by half a liter (I know, not the best description but that's how I know it). Drink half a glass before every meal, together with the pulp of the fruits.

10. Aromatherapy also helps! When you feel the need of a snack, smell the peel of a grapefruit or some flower essence. The centers of the hunger and the olfactory ones are very closed, so the flavors will suppress the hunger sansation.

That's all for now, I will come back to this topic when I find out (or remember) new things that do work!

Good luck!
And of course, Keep smiling!!

1 comment:

  1. will do Roxana , will do. very good advice on keeping cravings at bay when trying to shed a few ponds. Thanks for sharing


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