I've been meaning to write a post about lips for a while now, because I personally am addicted to all lip products, I just love to pamper my lips, but at times it becomes a bit annoying, always having to wear some kind of chapstick, so I have been doing a little research as to why would that happen to me, and I found a few more interesting things, some that I already knew, some that I did not, and I wanna share it all with you now!
We are laughin, speaking, frowning and pouting or sending a flying kiss - all these things that we do are making our lips more sensitive and more prone to wrinkle forming. The lips have less sebaceous glands than the rest of the skin, so they need more care. Not many of us give them the right type of care, though. Even if we use a moisturizing lipstick (I personally can't use any other kind!), we forget to cleanse them properly, we wet them (yes licking your lips can be sexy but is bad for them if done too often!!) or we forget to protect them from the sunrays! All these mistakes lead to an unhlealthy aspectof your lips. But if you want to have sexy looking lips even after the age of 40, you have to follow a few easy steps:
First - take PROPER care of your soup coolers!
The first step would be EXFOLIATING.
At least once a month, the lips have to be freed of the dead cells and of the dehydrated skin. Use an exfoliating cream with very fine abrazive particles and gently massage. This way, you are stimulating the blood circulation in your lips. But be very careful, the skin on the lips is about 5 times more sensitive than the rest of your face. It is very important that after the exfoliating process, you use some moisturizing products based on shea or coconut butter. Those have a regenarating effect, calming the irritated skin, preventing the wrinkles and protecting againt the UV rays. If you want to use a lip contour cream, try to apply it twice a day, especially on the upper lip, after cleansing your face (morning and evening). That will define your lip contour, will boost the cell activity and the collagen production, so your lips will become firmer.
Are you always temped to wet your lips when they tend to get dry? Give up on this bad habit! All you do by licking them is to dehydrate them even more, because of the high salt content in your saliva. For such moments, you have to keep in your purse or pocket a protective and nourishing lip balm.
Advice: Try to avoid as much as possible putting foundation or powder on your lips (I know, I know, some make-up artist recommend that you do that so you rlipstick lasts longer- but they don't mention NOT to do it every day). Those are going to dehydrate your lips!
Second - make your smackers pretty!
Your lips can get dry in any season. The pollution, the wind, the air conditioning, they all have a bad influence on them. You can prevent them from getting dry by using your lipstick correctly. Which lipstick, aside from the color that it gives to your lips, it has to also protect them from sun and wind! Before lipstick, always apply a protective balm (or any kind of chapstick, for that matter, but for some, you will have to wait a few minutes before applying the actual lipstick, for it to set into the lips and allow the lipstick to be applied). Ver very VERY BAD for the lips are the non transfer lipstick formulas. They dehydrate like hell, because of the petrolatum in them. If you want and need such a lipstick, look for one with emolient properties. But during the winter, use ONLY very hydrating formulas.
Advice: If your lip dryness persists for a very long time and nothing seems to help, you should go see a dermatologist!
That's all for now :) More posts to follow about how to pick the right lipstick and how to keep your lips happy!
I hope this helped! Thank you for reading me, and if you want to read more posts by me, please subscribe to receive updates by email (is free, of course) or follow me with Google Friend Connect! (links on the left)
Stay prety, keep smiling!
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