Monday, March 25, 2013

Good things against eye-wrinkles

All of us are being bombarded every day with all kinds of commercials for skincare products, which are said to contain this or that ingredient, but, as probably most people, I don't always know what is a specific ingredient supposed to be doing for me. I don't mean the complicate chemical ingredients listed on the boxes of the skincare products, but to the more simple ones that appear even on the front label of the package and that are also mentioned in the commercials: "the X cream with the Q10 coenzyme" or "Omega 6 and essential fatty acids" and stuff like that.
So I looked some of these ingredients up, for myself, and I thought I would share with you:

 1. The Q10 Coenzyme. It is a powerful antioxydant, which increases the oxygene amount inside of the cells, destroys the free radicals and prevents the ageing of the skin. (What are the "free radicals"?? Not "free square roots" like in Maths, no. It's all Chemistry here! A free radical is any atom or molecule that has a single unpaired electron in an outer shell. While a few free radicals such as melanin are not chemically reactive, most biologically-relevant free radicals are highly reactive.For most biological structures, free radical damage is closely associated with oxidative damage. - wikipedia)

2. Hyaluronic Acid.  It is a natural protein which can increase its own volume in water 1000 times, therefore it can fill the wrinkles on the eye area...or any area for that matter. 

3. Ester-C. It is a combination of minerals and Vitamin C, which stimulates the collagen production. 

4. Essential Fatty Acids. The skin needs them to maintain its integrity, to stay moist and to be able to counterract the negative effects of the sun. Omega 6 is a hero when it comes to fighting against wrinkles. 

5. Vitamin E. It heals the redness, protects the skin from the UV rays and stops the dry skin from peeling.

6. Green Tea. It is rich in antioxydants and has got anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it helps the skin maintain its elasticity.

7. Peptides from Proteins. They are essential proteins that stimulate the collagen and elastin production, for a more firm skin.
(the pics are only informative, I don't promote any brand)
Oh and one more IMPORTANT thing: NEVER use the face creams in the eye area, because their ingredients will cause, in time, more damages than benefits! Always use a cream formulated especially for the eye area!
To prevent the irritations of this sensitive area, the dermatologists recommend using creams with the same PH as the PH of the tears and with a lower amount of active ingredients. Unlike the face creams, the eye creams don't have any scent and they are more emolient.
Hope this helped!

Thanks for reading me, stay pretty!



  1. It sure helps!I always thought using a face cream means smearing the cream ALL OVER the face. And since the eyes are part of the face ( blushing here) I had them bathed in cream too. OPS! Lesson learned!

  2. thank you for your comment! Yep, you gotta take proper care of those pretty eyes ;-)


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