Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to stop your eyes from hurting after spending a long time at the PC

I always had, and still have, a love-hate relationship with my computers (here including my Desktop PC, my laptop, my big screen android phone AND my e-reader - it's still a screen that you are staring at). Apparently I can't live without them, but living with them is very often causing me all kinds of problems. I guess everyone knows what I am talking about - from headaches (real or metaphorical) to bottom/back aches (from sitting/laying too much in front of them)! Whereas some stretching and gym will help with my back aches, for the eyes is a bit more complicated. Of course, every person spending alot of time at the computer has to have some good eye drops (I can't recommend any, because I didn't find some that would really be great for me so far), but also, there is this technique that you can always use to help relax your pretty eyes after long hours spent in front of your bright screen friend. 

I think this technique's origin is in the ancient Chinese Qigong science, and it helps lowering the tension in your eye muscles, it also reduces your headache, in case you really spent waaay too much time at the computer and have one of those too, and also, your face muscles are going to relax as well! The immediate effect is that you will feel AND LOOK better, instantly!

So, first you gotta sit down and breathe deeply, 3 times. Then, rub your palms one against the other, untill they warm up. Close your eyes and place the palms on them. Do not press, allow a few centimeters between your palms and your eyeballs. Concentrate on the heat that gets through your eye orbits. Stay in that darkness for at least one minute, then slowly spread your fingers, to allow your eyes to readdapt to the light. That's all!

I hope it helpes! Thanks for reading me, and please follow my blog for more beauty, more ideas, more fun! 

Keep smiling!

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